Maintaining Your Older Car in Omaha, NE
August 27, 2018
The government mandates a lot of equipment on cars in Omaha, NE: emission devices and control computers, safety equipment like airbags and crash worthiness requirements. All of this is great for the Omaha motoring public, but it does add quite a bit to the price of a new vehicle.Because new vehic... More

Maintenance on My Mind
August 19, 2018
Ask any Omaha man or woman if they've taken their vehicle in for preventive maintenance lately, and the answer may well be no. Surveys indicate that over 80% of vehicles on the road today are in need of some kind of repair or maintenance. Now, ask that same person why he hasn't taken his car in f... More

Maintaining Your Diesel in Omaha
August 12, 2018
Diesel engines have been used extensively in Europe and Asia for many years. They haven't been as common in the Omaha area because of the high sulfur content in our diesel fuel. But the government is now mandating lower sulfur content and, as a result, we are going to see more Omaha diesel-fuele... More

Timing Belt Service to Save Big Bucks in Omaha
August 8, 2018
Your engine is like a finely choreographed dance. All the parts have to work together. If the timing is off at the ballet, dancers crash into each other and fall down. It the timing is off in your engine, it may not run at all. One of the most intricate dances in your engine has to do with the c... More