No Fueling! (Fuel Filler Location)
August 30, 2020
If you've ever gotten in an unfamiliar vehicle, maybe a rental car, you may have pulled up to the gas pump and wondered, "Which side is the fuel filler on?" Here's a tip for you. There is usually a little arrow on the instrument panel near the fuel gauge that points to the side where the fuel fi... More

Getting New Tires in Omaha?
August 23, 2020
There are so many tire choices in the Omaha area that selecting the right one can be a bit overwhelming for drivers. And even though it's kind of fun to have new tires on your vehicle, they're a significant investment for most Omaha area folks so you want do it right.Tip: talk with your friendly ... More

Wheel Balancing at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center Millard
August 16, 2020
So you love your job, and your family life is great. Congratulations! You have achieved balance. But can you say the same for your wheels? Omaha drivers can tell if their tires are out of balance by vibrations at higher speeds on NE roads. If one of the front tires is out, you feel the vibration... More

Why Is My Check Engine Light On?
August 9, 2020
The Check Engine Light strikes fear into the hearts of some Omaha drivers, and is totally ignored by just as many. Just what it means is a mystery to most people. Let's get the urgency issues out of the way first. If your Check Engine light is flashing, that means that something is wrong that co... More

How Do You Save Gas in Omaha, NE?
August 2, 2020
No one in Omaha, NE, likes to spend a chunk of change at the gas pump. Rising NE fuel prices, however, have spurred Omaha drivers to focus on how to improve their fuel economy. North Americans literally drive billions of miles/kilometers less each month during times of high fuel prices. But we st... More